Vote Yes Maui www.VoteYesMaui.org is dedicated to promoting a Yes Vote on the Maui “Genetically Engineered Organisms” Voter Initiative on November 4th.
Sponsored by Maui Citizen’s Initiative for Temporary Moratorium on GMO Crops PO Box 790538 Paia, HI 96779 info@voteyesmaui.org
The SHAKA Movement is a not-for-profit 501c3 communications and educational advocacy outreach program committed to bringing forth informed scientific facts through peaceful communications and actions so as to protect, preserve and improve the Public Trust Resources for current and future generations.
PRINT AND SHARE Some of the fine points contained in the NEW BROCHURE to help explain the GMO Initiative:
No one has to lose their job. Both Monsanto and Mycogen/Dow Chemical also grow conventional, non-GMO seed crops, which are not affected by this law.
No small farmers will be fined or go to jail and no gardens will be confiscated. GMO taro and coffee are already outlawed and GMO carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and other common produce don’t exist.
The only GMO crops currently available are BT Feed Corn, Soy Beans, Cotton, Canola, Sugar Beets, Alfalfa, BT Sweet Corn, Yellow Squash, Zuccini, and “Rainbow” papaya. The Maui farmers we talked to avoid
GMO “Rainbow” papaya because people won’t buy it.
Any GMO plants currently in the ground can stay. Any new plantings will have to be the Non-GMO kind.
This is not a pesticide law and does not restrict a local farmer’s right to choose which pesticides to use.