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TV Spot #2 “The voter initiative is not about farming and it’s not a ban.”
Aloha Maui. The massive advertising campaign from Citizens Against the Farming Ban is filled with misinformation.
The voter initiative is not about farming and it’s not a ban. It temporarily suspends Genetic Engineering operations and open field chemical experiments until studies show how they impact our environment and our health.
It mostly affects the Chemical Companies growing GMO’s – that’s just 1% of all farming operations in Maui County. They paid for all those ads.
Last year over 1,100 open-air experiments released New Life Forms and untested chemical combinations just upwind from homes and schools all across Hawaii.
Get the facts not the propaganda. There will be no stiff fines or jail time for backyard gardeners or local food farmers. And no jobs need be lost as both companies have plenty of seeds to grow and research to do on crops that are not GMO’s.
Get informed and Vote Yes on the GMO initiative.